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‘Written with both clarity and insight, this is a rare and enriching book, which integrates the wisdom of many spiritual traditions. Whilst illuminating the need now more than ever before to explore interspirituality, our universal commonality and deeper spiritual nature, it shows the way forward for embracing the Whole.’
~ Eileen Davies

Q&A section on Spirituality with Glyn Edwards

(click for pdf version)

Can you summarise what spirituality means to you as it can mean different things to different people? On the one hand, some teachers and writers think of spiritual realms of development as being about mystical union or deep states of meditation. On the other hand, if we are using the word to describe anyone who has a natural sense of goodness about them and about wholesome unfoldment and actions in daily life, we are obviously using the word in a much broader way.

   Yes, it can be used to mean different things. For me it is about an embracing of all people, life and nature, to truly see and value the good in all traditions and in different forms of wisdom. It is bound up with realising that the same supreme Spirit exists in all – that the activity of the psychic, mediumistic and miraculous and the phenomena which come from these, must never restrict the potential for spiritual awareness and a recognition of equality or restrict practices of kindness, natural goodness and compassionate actions. 
   How can we judge that a carpenter or stonemason may not just through his or her work develop profound spiritual qualities, and from this have great influence on others who know him or her and his or her work? Additionally, are cathedrals and temples not built by such people whose names we rarely know? Who are we to say that an agnostic is not a spiritual person? Or are we seeking to impose a set system of belief that excludes certain people because they do not hold the same views and practices as we do? 
   Let us realise that spirituality is more than just meditation practices, rituals, beliefs and personal experiences. It encompasses the all-ness of life. Neither is it a truth that only a few possess or a philosophy which makes us stand coldly separate from life.
   Because some have gifts such as insight into other worlds that are seen to connect with ours or have the ability to heal, we should not believe these things set them apart from others or indicate they are more advanced or important than anyone else. Everyone has within them the potential for the same divine qualities, which can be brought to the surface at any point in their lives. Sometimes we may be unaware that we are entertaining angels, meaning anyone who displays natural goodness, as the New Testament passage reminds us, and is one of many reasons why we need to consider showing kindness to strangers [Heb. 13:2], such as when someone listens to our troubles and truly empathises with us. Is this not as valid a spiritual act as any that we can think of? True and spontaneous selfless acts of kindness and compassion are really the core of spirituality. 
   It is time that all of us, no matter what tradition or none, took a step back and reviewed what is meant by ‘spirituality’. Although mediumistic awareness can be seen as a natural part of our being, just as breathing and kindness are, it is only a facet of the whole. Let us apply the principles that we may term as ‘higher living’. This is not about seeing ourselves as more advanced than others or separate or aloof from everyday life but manifesting our greatest gifts and recognising there is goodness in all people, including ourselves, even though our human nature can get in the way of displaying it at times as the symbol of ying and yang reminds us with the white spot in the black and the black in the white – reminding us that no person is entirely perfect, as equally as there is no one who is entirely bad. 
   We need to cultivate an understanding and a state of being that accepts and loves others and ourselves and realise that our true nature is endeavouring to help us to awaken to the reality of what spirituality is and how to live deeply and skilfully by it in every moment. In looking into ourselves for the greatest gifts we possess we discover the gifts of wisdom and Self-knowledge that are the gateways to freedom, true peace and enlightenment. Such things help us to find unity in diversity and the compassionate Spirit in all.


Paperback and hardback 157 pages

Amazon low-cost paperback and hardback (UK link)

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