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In this first ever anthology of Glyn's wisdom, he shared first-hand accounts about his own mediumistic experiences and imparted profound insights that will help you to move forward with your abilities. There are chapters here for everyone, for beginners and the more advanced, that reveal how the spirit world can communicate with and work through us and prove survival of life after death. In all, this is a rare and enriching treasure trove of mediumistic and spiritual knowledge with crucial practices for awakening to the spirit.

Realms of Unfoldment (abridged) by Glyn Edwards

(click for pdf version)

Many years ago I gave a demonstration of mediumship at a Spiritualist Church in the Midlands. I began by giving information from a spirit communicator to a woman near the front of the congregation. I mentioned that this lady’s mother was starting to communicate with me and that she was telling me how their relationship with each other was one of equal respect and friendship. 
   Whilst giving this information I found myself suddenly overwhelmed by a deep love the mother felt for her daughter, which was one of authentic support and not a love that smothered or sought to control. The woman receiving this information agreed. As this information was accepted, the love and presence of the mother intensified. Because of my inexperience in the art of mediumship at that time I felt that if the contact with the woman’s mother continued to affect me in the way it was, I would not be able to continue the communication.
   What I realise now is that the love I had become aware of coming from the mother was simply her drawing close to me as the medium and expressing her desire to establish evidential communication with her daughter. After the demonstration, the medium Gordon Higginson, who had been chairing the meeting, spoke to me about the need to trust mediumistic communication and no matter what, to continue as best as I could to establish why the communicator had come, thereby strengthening my contact with the spirit world and working with those who sought to communicate with and through me.

   Like any setbacks in our development there was of course a lesson to be learned through this, which was about trusting the spirit and realising that our contact with their world is an opportunity to explore mediumistic abilities instead of being defeated by beliefs that could hinder their communication. We need to remember that nothing happens by chance. It is by being open to the many realms of mediumship that we open ourselves to different types of unfoldment and numerous spheres of spirit communication.
   I have found that as I have awakened to various potentials of my mediumistic abilities, it has opened up many doors to a wider understanding of life and of how the spirit world is a part of everything and everyone. This has happened quite naturally by not being too quick to conceptualise and categorise various experiences and phenomena into rigid frameworks that would set me apart from people with other beliefs and abilities, which would have limited the enriching paths of mediumistic unfoldment I have undertaken.
   What follows are some central facets that I both feel and believe are important to consider in mediumship. But I would not wish you to take these on board without reflecting upon them and deciding for yourself their use and validity. Ultimately the responsibility for your growth lies in your own hands. Though any effort you are prepared to make will put into operation the law of cause and effect, as well as the law of attraction and association, which will bring about corresponding changes that will draw those of similar minds to work with you…



It is often said in Spiritualism that we must trust the spirit world; that we must trust our guides and helpers and trust what emanates beyond our normal reasoning and thinking capacities. While this may be true for us as we become more advanced in the unfolding of mediumship, this puts pressure on the beginner, on people who still have doubts and uncertainties as to whether or not spirit influences are true for them – even though they may be undergoing experiences that will eventually lead their awareness towards obvious spirit influences. Even so, their conscious mind may still be distrustful and doubtful, uncertain and questioning as to whether their experiences are real. It is only through constant exploration of any experiences that unfold and recognising those that point towards genuine spirit communication will a maturity of growth and trust in the spirit begin.
   An authentic trust in the spirit is about embracing the beginning of a deep friendship between yourself and the invisible world of those that work with you. This trust is an evolving experience that builds over time and through the experiences you undergo. But the most important ingredient of trust, is trust in yourself and your abilities.
   Sometimes sitters can tell you that the information you have given them about a spirit communicator is wrong. It is at such times that you might need to work harder with your mediumistic abilities in order to double check if the information is trustworthy evidence of survival, or whether you have misinterpreted something. It can be that the information you have given is not actually known by the sitters at that moment in time, but they may be able to check it later. You as the working medium might be able to receive further communication from the spirit world about who the sitters could ask or where the sitters would find confirmation about the information.


Is It Real?

I have always found it helpful to look deeply into the validity of things I have experienced mediumistically, as well as reflect upon the things that others may teach as fact about mediumship. To establish an authentic understanding of mediumistic unfoldment, I believe it is important to arrive at a realisation of what is true for us, so that we embrace a sense of reality that can be both lived and expressed in our daily lives and work. Through this we come to realise that the world of the spirit, which is a part of our true self and all life, is intelligent, and that everything the spirit world communicates to and through us is based on this intelligence.
   Through building the foundations of our beliefs on what has proved itself to be true, we avoid claims about spirit communication that are not grounded in truth. It is important to realise that it is through both intelligence and clear insights that we and the spirit world can blend together and bring to the world rational demonstrations of mediumship based on facts and evidence of survival after death.



I have so far emphasised the importance of trust and reality. We also need to look closely at numerous levels of mind that exist, both incarnate and discarnate, and how they influence one another. We need to be aware of how all things affect us on a mental level and how our awareness affects communication with the discarnate world of the spirit. It is of course important to look at how our mind and beliefs affect communication with the spirit and how their influence and thoughts affect us. We need to do this in order to discover what is genuine awareness of the spirit and to discern how much our own minds may be influencing spirit communication.
   In the beginning stages it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. We must therefore continue to work with our thoughts, our minds and spirit communicators seeking to work with us, to establish a breakthrough where we come to know the difference and start building authentic communications with those in the spirit world.



...To bring about wholesome growth, the sensitivity we have to all worlds of being (including the world of the spirit), requires us to become aware of our reactions and to recognise how all levels can affect us in different ways. It is through responsible engagement with our sensitive reactions that we make mature decisions about our life, our mediumistic abilities and the unfoldment of our spiritual nature. If we become spiritually engaged in understanding these sensitive areas that are parts of us and how they can lead us to being more whole and in harmony with life, we can then take on a willing and mature responsibility for our evolving sensitivity.


The Spirit and Our World

…There is great creativity in all: in Nature, art, parenthood, friendship, skilful social interaction, music, poetry, literature and so on. Positive changes have been made in the worlds of medicine, science and education. Great people have implemented ideas that have changed people’s lives for the better.
   Ultimately, as with all people following spiritual paths, mediums will need to consider how to unfold and develop a closer union with the Divine, with Nature and all of humankind. They will need to embrace ways in which to awaken within themselves a deeper creativity and appreciation of the awe inspiring evolving Universe in which we live. This includes awakening to the Earth’s natural beauty and to realms of love and wisdom, as this will cultivate mediums’ minds and characters.
   All great teachers, such as Jesus, Krishna and the Buddha, taught about the importance of love for each other. Is it not time to embrace this? Any darkness will then give way to the light that shines within each of us and will help us connect with others in more natural and compassionate ways…


Moving Forward

Learning how to be still within, which does not imply inactivity, is crucial. But in stillness you will still have thoughts and reactions. As you become still, you will start to notice experiences to which you react (though perhaps the words respond or engage with might be better terms to use here). These reactions will over time, help you to understand different realities of experience and identify whether they have come from the spirit world or your own inner intuition, or past conditioning. There can also be times of uncertainty in unfoldment where things in our lives that we have suppressed or have been afraid to face may surface, which may leave us with a sense of concern. Endeavour if you can to work through such times of uncertainty. This is an important part of unfoldment, as it is about recognising who you truly are. Through this you will awaken to mediumistic experiences in their many forms which, if approached in the right way, will lead you to discover what awareness is truly about.
   Proceed with an openness of mind and relax into the different dimensions of being that reveal themselves to you. Don’t let fear enter your unfoldment, as there is ultimately nothing to be afraid of. The world of the spirit will join with you, and through this blending, you will find many wonderful and beautiful experiences that will enrich your life and the great work that lies ahead…



It is important for us to be receptive to the views of others and listen to them with an openness of mind and heart. This does not imply taking on everyone’s ideas. If you meet someone who wishes to impose their beliefs, you must decide whether to allow it to happen. Linked with such things are agendas. Some people can be eager to impress others with their experiences, which can then cause others to measure their experiences against them and start to feel as though they are somehow lacking because things that have unfolded in their development do not match the other person’s descriptions.
   A word of caution needs to be made here. Don’t allow this to happen or believe that there is anything to be gained by measuring your experiences with another’s. On the one hand people can find comfort and reassurance in hearing about the paths others have taken and the variety of experiences that people have had. But there is obviously a difference between trying to impress people with our experiences and simply sharing them, as well as asking others about the things that have unfolded in their lives.
   Ultimately it is about how mediumistic and spiritual experiences change us in positive and fruitful ways. If we are using them to make us seem more important, then we have unfortunately lost the reasons for encountering them. In truth, no one is better than anyone else. All are equal in the eyes of the spirit. All of us have equal opportunities to realise our true potential and live by it…


Paperback and hardback 128 page

Amazon paperback and hardback (UK link)

eBook available from Amazon and Smashwords

See books page for more details


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