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In this first ever anthology of Glyn's wisdom, he shared first-hand accounts about his own mediumistic experiences and imparted profound insights that will help you to move forward with your abilities. There are chapters here for everyone, for beginners and the more advanced, that reveal how the spirit world can communicate with and work through us and prove survival of life after death. In all, this is a rare and enriching treasure trove of mediumistic and spiritual knowledge with crucial practices for awakening to the spirit.

Introduction to The Potential of Mediumship

(click for pdf version)

I knew Glyn as a close friend for 26 years. In those years, we somehow managed to find some time to work on three books together and work on the first edition of this anthology of his teachings and collection of exercises he used to help students move forward with their abilities and potential growth.

   Some passages in this anthology are from the books that we jointly worked on. Others are from an article he did especially for the Gordon Higginson Fellowship website, an organisation Glyn founded, from discussions with him about extra sections that could be included, and from one of his many audio recordings. There is one place where Glyn asked for a paragraph I had written to be included, which has been put in italics to distinguish it from Glyn’s words. If you wish to know the sources used for each chapter, they have been listed towards the end of this book.

   This book is of course by no means an exhaustive collection of everything Glyn had to say or wrote on the subject of the Potential of Mediumship, but it is the very first anthology of different works by him to be published on the topic. Unlike standard books of quotations that layout what people have written or said without making alterations, some creative editing was done. As Glyn was actively involved in every stage of the original book’s formation, selecting which passages to include, deciding how best to fit numerous sections together, and even did some light editing himself, we both felt some creative editing would be acceptable and beneficial in weaving various sections together in order to present the essential message of the quoted sources in a readable style. We also wanted the book to have its own uniqueness, which was the reason behind adding new material, including some personal stories of Glyn’s.


Glyn’s Teachings

In all the years I knew Glyn, he always read widely and took a deep interest in numerous contemporary fields of spirituality, different religious beliefs, various forms of healing and modern discoveries in science and psychology. He also loved engaging in open and beneficial dialogues with people from different traditions. Naturally, his interests in wide approaches to spirituality and mediumship are detectable in his writings.

   Readers will notice that Glyn’s teachings on mediumship promote a fresh contemporary perspective. He did not see any abilities we have as being separate from anything else. His teachings are essentially an affirmation and holistic inclusion of all life, instead of a denial of some aspects as some teachers and different traditions have promoted. He taught about an ongoing evolvement and exploration into how all things continuously interrelate with each other. This was never about a belief in having all the answers, which in fact inhibits development, but about being open to growth at all times. Although his writings sometimes use terms such as ‘path’, ‘journey’ or ‘quest’, they are not so much about going someplace else but about deepening understanding of the spirit world that is present now and in all things. Even though he mentions the importance of transcendence at times, he never sees it as escaping from Earth life but including it and recognising how spiritual realms are essentially interwoven with our physical world.

   He often took mediumship out of its box in order to integrate it with the collective responsibilities we share for each other and the natural world, which is comparable in many ways to Shamanistic understandings of spirituality and spirit contact.

   As a writer and member of GreenSpirit, I find Glyn’s teachings to be deeply encouraging, as they take the subject of mediumship beyond being purely human-centred – either in this life or in the afterlife – and are integrated with an active Gaia-centred spirituality that is crucial at this moment in the history of the world for the survival of so many of God’s creatures and the conservation of important ecosystems. For Glyn, all life and phenomena are seen as expressions of the creativity of the spirit that is forever seeking to encourage us to awaken more authentically, compassionately, widely and actively to our spiritual natures and to what knowledge of an eternal existence implies.

   When I first completed this collection of teachings and exercises by Glyn, I couldn’t help noticing how it in some ways read like a meditations book. Not only because of the exercises included but also because Glyn’s words present us with profound perspectives on which to reflect in order to uncover deeper dimensions of life and living. I hope you will find much food for replenishment in the following pages. May the paths you explore be blessed with love and wisdom and lead you to ever-present life changing dimensions of spiritual growth and to the infinite variety of gifts that can unfold, including, as Glyn reminds us, the gifts of friendship, compassion, understanding and unity with Nature and the world of the spirit that is continuously seeking harmonious expression through all.

~ Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston)


Paperback and hardback 128 page

Amazon paperback and hardback (UK link)

eBook available from Amazon and Smashwords

See books page for more details


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