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A companion book to 'Reflections with Glyn Edwards', which includes various profound and inspiring quotations by Glyn, who worked throughout the world as a spiritual teacher and medium for over 40 years, and was internationally acclaimed as one of the finest motivational speakers and demonstrators of mediumship in the UK. The book also includes passages by Glyn's long-time close friend Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston), who worked on a variety of books and projects with him.

Introduction to More Reflections with Glyn Edwards

(click for pdf version)

To compile a collection of quotations like this, requires a particular eye for finding passages that stand on their own without the underlying theme of the original book or chapter they were written for giving extra light on their meaning. It can feel a bit like going on an inspiring treasure hunt. Then once enough material is found, the next stage in the search is to sift through it in order to discover passages that fit with one another and can be placed under specific headings. As difficult as this may sound, I usually find intuition influencing much of the process, which brings an element of flow and joy to the task. The fact that this is the third book of this kind I have compiled, designed and edited, demonstrates my enthusiasm for this type of creative work.

    This selection of quotations for reflection and meditation purposes has been compiled as a campion book to the one I released for what would have been Glyn’s 70th Earth Year. The same as that one, this book came about organically as an afterthought to what I had previously worked on, when I realised there was more to be found in the published works I had assisted Glyn in releasing, either as a coauthor or as the main compiler and editor.

    I had already expanded the first Reflections with Glyn Edwards and felt it was solid as it stood. To add more would spoil the flow of Glyn’s words from one page and section to another. Yet my latest finds, as excellent as I thought the passages were for a companion title, were not sufficient in quantity to justify another book. Maybe it was Glyn drawing close and communicating from the spirit world one day when the idea of adding sections of my own from the books we had worked on together – along with passages from other titles I had done – came to mind.

    Because we coauthored our first two books and worked alongside each other on other titles such as Realms of Wondrous Gifts and The Potential of Mediumship anthology of his wisdom, I trust readers as well as students of Glyn’s will appreciate this jointly authored offering. I should mention the reason the first Reflections book says there is additional material by me is because some quotations are from the coauthored books, particularly The Spirit World in Plain English. Most passages used from it for this book are more by Glyn than me, especially ones on mediumship, which contribute to an even split of quotations by us both in the following pages.


Suggestions for How to Use this Book

You may read this book as you wish, of course – if done in the right way, simply reading it straight through can be a form of meditation – but if you require some guidance, you might like to find a peaceful place on your own or with a small group of friends in your home or garden, or in the countryside or a tranquil place of worship. Take time to be still and quieten your mind. Sit in an upright position, with the spine erect. Feel the weight of your body on the chair, cushion or ground you are sitting on. Be aware of your interconnectedness with Gaia, with Mother Earth, with how the plants and trees feed you with life-giving oxygen and in return your breath feeds them. Consciously release any tension in your mind and body by taking a gentle deep breath and feeling it gently flowing into your lungs, noticing your diaphragm and abdomen rising naturally, and when you breathe out, slowly and gently exhale and release any tension with the out-breath. Set the intention of seeking to be one with the spirit world and in harmony with all that is within and around you.

    Now allow your breathing to find its own natural rhythm. Select one of the passages you feel drawn to in this book, or open it randomly on a page. Read the passage slowly. If you are with friends, select one amongst you to read a passage aloud. Reflect upon what the words mean to you. Be with your reflective thoughts and feelings for a while and see what arises with a sense of open-hearted receptiveness. Take your time doing this. You may feel the need to read the passage again and to repeat some of the above steps. You may also wish to reflect upon other passages in this book during this time.

    If you are doing this with friends, you will probably want to share any reflective thoughts or feelings that came to you. If on your own, you may wish to write them down in a spiritual journal and come back to what you write for further reflection another time.

    All of the above can be done as an exercise in itself, as a preliminary step for another type of practice or part of a day of various contemplative exercises. Traditionally, in contemplative Christian spirituality, a short passage of scripture is often reflected upon for the purpose of awakening to mystical union with the Divine, which is popularly known as Lectio Divina, Divine reading, in the Christian tradition. But the practice is also found in other paths of course.

~ Santoshan (Stephen Wollaston)


Paperback and hardback 135 pages

Amazon mid-price paperback and hardback (UK link)

Low-cost eBook available from Amazon and Smashwords

See books page for more details


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